Cruise (woocommerce-sample)

Home/Cruise (woocommerce-sample)
  • Trick Eye Museum

    Rp 215,000
    AVAILABLE : REDEEM TICKET VALIDITY :UNTIL - 31 MAR 2020 OPENING HOURS : DAILY : 10.00am - 21.00pm (Last Admission 20.00pm) LOCATION : 8 Sentosa Gateway, Singapore 098269
  • Universal Studios Hollywood

    Rp 1,445,000Rp 1,745,000
    AVAILABLE : E-TICKET VALIDITY : OPENING HOURS : Daily 10.00am - 21.00pm  
  • Universal Studios Singapore

    Rp 585,000Rp 730,000
    Go beyond the screen and Ride The Movies™ at Universal Studios Singapore. Only here can you experience cuttingedge rides, shows, and attractions based on your favourite blockbuster films and television series, including TRANSFORMERS The Ride: The Ultimate 3D Battle, Shrek 4-D Adventure, Madagascar: A Crate Adventure, Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure, and more!
  • USA

    Rp 320,000
    (3HK) USA 30-DAYS (FUP. 8GB) Unlimited roaming data up to 8GB + 3000 minutes applicable to receive call in USA, make call to USA and Hong Kong + 100 minutes call to Other Destinations*   COUNTRY/REMARKS * 100 Minutes call to other destinations including: China, Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, Macau, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

    Rp 440,000
    (AT&T) 15-DAYS 4G (MAX. 5 GB) Not allowed tethering / peer to peer service   COUNTRY/REMARKS USA & CANADA ONLY
  • (3) 30-DAYS (FUP 4GB) unlimited data up to 4GB. Once FUP exceed, speed will be drop to ±128kbps. Not allowed tethering / peer to peer service + applicable to receive call in USA, Canada, & Mexico, make call to Hong Kong 350mins. *Call to other destinations 50 minutes   *Call to other destinations 50 minutes inlcudes: China, Japan, S Korea, Taiwan, Macau, Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
  • USS Midway Museum

    Rp 210,000Rp 345,000
    AVAILABLE : E-TICKET VALIDITY : OPENING HOURS : Daily 10.00am - 05.00pm  

    Rp 100,000
    (VM) 30-DAYS 4G LTE (MAX 120 GB) data service in Vietnam
  • Visa America

    Rp 3,060,000
    KEDUTAAN AMERIKA Alamat: Jl.Medan Merdeka Selatan No.5, Jakarta Pusat No. Telp: (62-21) 3435 9888 untuk daftar,  3435 9000 untuk informasi E-mail: Website: httpss:// è Pengisian Form DS 160 httpss:// è Pengambilan Appointment è Print $ 160 MRV Fee

  • Visa Australia

    Rp 600,000Rp 3,810,000


    Alamat kedutaan : Jl. HR Rasuna Said Kav C 15-16 No. Telp. : 021.25505555 s/d 60 No. Fax : 021.5227101 Website :
  • Visa Belanda

    Rp 200,000Rp 2,000,000
    KEDUTAAN BELANDA Alamat: Jl.HR.Rasuna Said Kav.S3 No. Telp: (62-21) 527 1904 (untuk daftar interview) / 5251515 No. Fax: (62-21) 527 5977
  • Visa China

    Rp 695,000Rp 1,855,000


    Jl. Mega Kuningan 2, Karet Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Phone : 021 - 5761026 s/d 27 Fax : 021 – 5761034